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Perspective Taking

2024-01-14 00:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

To be thought of as a considerate person, we must consider other peoples’ perspectives before we act or speak.  When we don’t consider how our actions will make others feel, we end up seeming rude, inconsiderate, and self-centered.

Children that lack good perspective taking skills are often considered inconsiderate and rude by their peers.  These children tend to do what is in their own best interest and disregard what is best for the group or anyone else they are with.

When children have trouble with perspective taking, they usually have difficulty making or maintaining friendships, being on teams, or being a member of a school group.


Positive Results of Improving Students Perspective Taking Skills


Students who improve their perspective taking are better able to:

interpret the needs and wants(motivation) of others demonstrate consideration and empathy toward others safely navigate around people who may have ill intentions adjust their behavior so that others’ feel comfortable interpret assignments at school (especially reading and writing assignments) by understanding the perspective of the characters studied or the person who will be reading their writing share in the happiness of others even without sharing the same level of interest in the topic, purely because they like the other person think critically about social situations and relationships and engage in personal problem solving


Perspective taking is an essential skill children need to interpret “why” and “how” situations happen and then respond appropriately to that information.


Strategies To Teach Perspective Taking

Helpful strategies for taking another’s perspective include:

imagining yourself having the same experience as another person using your own similar past experience to understand another’s situation applying general knowledge (e.g., stereotypes) about how people are likely to react in particular situations


So how do we teach children to take others’ perspectives and improve their perspective taking abilities?

Model The Skill/Behavior

Practicing what you preach can be harder than it seems, but demonstrating perspective taking skills, in real time with your students, is good for you and them.

It is easier to be fair and just, if we take the time to see how a situation looks from someone else’s point of view.

Young children learn much by watching you, so when you show them the value of perspective taking, they will be more likely to engage in it too.


Talk about challenging feelings

Talk about all feelings with your students, not just the positive emotions, and teach your students that all feelings are valid.

Acknowledge and respect your students feelings.  Children will be better able to understand others’ perspectives when they feel their thoughts, feelings, and experiences are understood and respected.


Demonstrate Understanding

Show your student’s that you understand their perspective by repeating back to them what you hear them saying or describing to them what you think they may be thinking or feeling, wanting or intending.


Respecting Different Opinions vs. Agreeing

Remember that understanding someone else’s perspective does not necessarily mean that you agree with them, it is however, an acknowledgement of how they are thinking, feeling, what they want or need.


Show Them The Other Side

For example, when you see someone help someone else, talk to your students about what each person might be feeling or thinking.  Help them build connections between people’s actions and their motivations.

It’s also important to help children understand how their behaviors affect other people.

If your student throws a toy and it hits another child, help your student build that cause-and-effect connection by talking about how their actions impact other people or their environment.


Be A Detective






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